ILECO I, 53 Years of Service and “Diamond Awardee”

Mike Paguntalan

Interview with GM Mike Paguntalan

How would you describe, in a nutshell the highlights of service that ILECO I has rendered to its member-consumers after 53 years?

GM Engr. Miguel “Mike” Paguntalan:
We at Iloilo Electric Cooperative I (ILECO I) were awarded as Diamond Awardee, buot silingon amo ini ang pinakataas nga award nga ginahatag for services rendered sang isa ka kooperatiba.

So we can also claim now, nga we have fulfilled our requirements with National Electrification Administration (NEA) especially sa performance parameters nga gin-set sini. We were even given several awards nga nag-highlight sang operations sang ILECO I.

Ang Diamond Award ginahatag sang NEA for exemplary services sa operation sang electric cooperative and one in the entire country nga ang ILECO I ginhatagan sini.

For the past years nga diri kita sa ILECO I, I have been here for over five years already, we have maintained our categorization – Triple “AAA” mega-large cooperative for the past 6 years.

Even before, since the foundation of ILECO I nahatagan sia sang performance parameters nga ginapatuman sang NEA, na-achieve naton ina tanan. So for the past 53 years we are proud to say that ILECO I surpassed the expectations of our consumers.

As part of our anniversary activities (last June 10) we highlighted the accomplishments of the cooperative and give recognition to our exemplary employees and personnel who have served 10, 25, 30 years and even those who have served 40 years. Although the retirement age of our personnel is 60 years.

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