ABOUT P4 MILLION WORTH SUGARCANE JUICE EXTRACTION EQUIPMENT and facilities seen to boost the muzcovado sugar industry in Antique.
The Antique provincial government is set to acquire this technology upgraded system in June or July 2022, the government Phil. Information Agency (PIA) recently reported.
The P4 million is actually a fourth tranche of the projected P25 million collaborative assistance to the Laua-an Multi-Purpose Cooperative (Laua-an MPC) from the World Bank, the Dep’t of Agriculture, and the Province of Antique.
A check of about P3 million was released by Gov. Rhodora Cadiao to Laua-an MPC thru chair Ernesto Española Jr. on May 23 in ceremonies at the Antique capitol. The amount represented the third trance assistance which would be used to acquire a platform scale and a 6-wheel hauling vehicle.
On December 2019 the P2.6 million first tranche were used for the purchase of metal detectors and plastic pallets, among others, while the P1.6 million second tranche on February 2022 included the procurement of a gravity tank and laboratory tools.