Supreme Court acquits Jun Locsin

former ISCOF Pres. Elpido 'Jun' Locsin

SUPREME COURT ACQUITS JUN LOCSIN: Sandiganbayan’s guilty verdict against the former President of Iloilo State College of Fisheries reversed by the High Court.

The acquital dated January 13, 2021, a copy of which was obtained by HilwayNews today on all four graft charges versus former ISCOF Pres. Elpido ‘Jun’ Locsin were penned by Associate Justice Amy C. Lazaro-Javier of the SC’s second division.

In 2010 the Sandiganbayan sentenced Locsin to 6 years imprisonment for violation of RA 3019 the anti-graft law.

Then ISCOF Pres. Dr. Elpidio Locsin Jr. was first criminally charged on December 20, 2000 for including his three children among the student laborers at ISCOF.

The Supreme Court however, cited “the records on the case that the petitioner’s (Locsin) children were indeed qualified under DBM circular 11-96.” This, after the SC noted that the charges “were grounded on speculation, surmises or conjectures” contrary to the Rules of civil procedures.

Locsin is hopeful the vindication from the SC’s dismissal of criminal cases against him would pave the way for a similar favorable ruling on his separate claim for benefits then as ISCOF President.

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